The Upper Tioga River watershed encompasses 280 square miles in north central Pennsylvania and is part of the Susquehanna and Chesapeake Bay watersheds.
As recent as the 1970s, the Tioga Rive supported Class A wild brook trout populations. However, the river is severely impacted by acid mine drainage (AMD) from Fall Brook to Bear Creek all the way to the Tioga/Hammond Dam Complex. The acidic waterway, containing excessive concentrations of iron, manganese and aluminum, had left the river void of aquatic life. The stream bed is stained orange from iron oxide as it weaves its way through the towns of Blossburg, Covington and Mansfield.
AMD impact alone represent a conservative loos of $287,000 per year of fishery resources in the Tioga River and many of its tributaries. In 2003 a study was conducted to identify sources of AMD impacting the tributaries that feed the Upper Tioga River. Based upon the study’s finding, strategies were developed to treat AMD in these tributaries and improve the overall health of the river. While it may take decades to achieve the goal of complete ecosystem restoration, multiple benefits will be realized through the progressive treatment of AMD through this project.
Hillside Rod and Gun Club was recognized as one of the largest contributors to the Upper Tioga River Watershed project at the recent ribbon cutting ceremony for the Fall Brook Treatment systems.
Watershed Project Chairman: Jim Lamonski

Fall Brook Treatment Description